La Laja Reserve trek 3 days – 2 nights


Located in the Colombian east range, the Natural National Park of Chingaza was born in May 1977 and has an area of 76 600 hectares between the municipalities of La Calera, Fómeque, Guasca and San Juanito. With altitudes between 800 and 4, 050m, is one of the most important water supplies for Bogota city. In this great water fabric, beautifully enriched by several water mirrors, primary ecosystem services are provided for the surroundings. 

The park is a huge reservation where you can find hundreds of fauna and flora species, some of them now a day more visible, like the white tail deer, ducks and migratory birds, the important bear of glasses, paramo eagles, large condors, among other species natural of this paramo, cloud forest and wet land ecosystems.  A Muisca treasure that later in time became the famous El Dorado legend. This is without a doubt the perfect place to meditate, enjoy beautiful hikes, know about the ancestral culture that remains in the place, and experiment a site that is exuberant and jet very close to Bogotá.

Keep in mind that the activities will take place in the La Laja Reserve area, right on the border of the national park, within the external protection area of Chingaza NP.


Day 1: Travel from the starting point to the refuge and nearby hikes.

On this day, in addition to making the approach from the chosen starting point, we will take private transportation from Fómeque to the point where we will begin a hike of approximately 2 hours to our beautiful refuge. Once we arrive, we will check in and you’ll have the opportunity to learn about the fascinating history surrounding the place and the nearby areas.

After enjoying lunch and depending on the weather, we’ll head out to explore the nearby trails around the refuge, allowing us to acclimatize and discover the natural wonders that this territory offers. Finally, we’ll return to the refuge to rest in the comfort of our accommodations.

Day 2 (Option 2-days tour): In search of the Andean Bear, deer, and other treasures of fauna and flora.

We’ll start very early to take advantage of the morning weather. After breakfast, we’ll begin our journey along the “Monfortiano” trail towards the upper part of the natural reserve and Chingaza National Park, heading towards the Río de La Playa sector. During the ascent, we’ll observe the transition of native vegetation from high Andean forest with a great diversity of birds, mainly hummingbirds, to the subparamo and paramo, where the vegetation becomes smaller and more homogeneous.

Once we reach the top of Alto de la Virgen, the path diverges from the main trail to make way for a series of old paths used by the inhabitants of the paramo that interconnected several places in the Chingaza paramo. This will be our starting point to visit several natural viewpoints in search of the best sightseeing for observing Andean bears or as they are also known, the Spectacled Bear. This is a very particular and interesting place because it offers a great variety and quantity of food for both the Spectacled Bear and the other fauna of the paramo. Additionally, during the flowering season of the frailejones, we can easily observe the bearded paramo hummingbird on the beautiful yellow flowers like sunflowers.

With enough time to appreciate these treasures, we’ll begin our descent to the reserve and then continue the path until the vehicle picks us up again to take us towards Fómeque or Choachi, and from there, depending on the option we have chosen, either end or continue our trip to Bogotá.

Day 3: In search of the Andean Bear, deer, and other treasures of fauna and flora.

We’ll start very early to take advantage of the morning weather. After breakfast, we’ll begin our journey along the “Monfortiano” trail towards the upper part of the natural reserve and Chingaza National Park, heading towards the Río de La Playa sector. During the ascent, we’ll observe the transition of native vegetation from high Andean forest with a great diversity of birds, mainly hummingbirds, to the subparamo and paramo, where the vegetation becomes smaller and more homogeneous.

Once we reach the top of Alto de la Virgen, the path diverges from the main trail to make way for a series of old paths used by the inhabitants of the paramo that interconnected several places in the Chingaza paramo. This will be our starting point to visit several natural viewpoints in search of the best sightseeing for observing Andean bears or as they are also known, the Spectacled Bear. This is a very particular and interesting place because it offers a great variety and quantity of food for both the Spectacled Bear and the other fauna of the paramo. Additionally, during the flowering season of the frailejones, we can easily observe the bearded paramo hummingbird on the beautiful yellow flowers like sunflowers.

With enough time to appreciate these treasures, we’ll begin our descent to the reserve and then continue the path until the vehicle picks us up again to take us towards Fómeque or Choachi, and from there, depending on the option we have chosen, either end or continue our trip to Bogotá.


Don't Forget

Recommendations: For all our plans and itineraries, the ideal is to have previous experience in short and/or long hikes. This way, each person can get to know his/her body and how it adapts to the altitude. The trek to La Laja reserve is not technical, however, this does not mean that it can be taken lightly, as if it were any other mountain.

This itinerary has been planned for people with some kind of experience, it is necessary to have the appropriate physical conditions and not to have any relevant medical condition that could affect the health of the participant. In case you do not feel prepared for this experience, count on us, and we will help you choose a more suitable first experience, which you will surely enjoy and invite you to go on.

Bring at least the following basic equipment:

Glasses with UV filter (Failure to use them may cause temporary blindness).
Headlamp (headlamp)
Hydration container and some energy drinks
In clothing use what they call the onion layers or the three layer theory.
Hat, gloves, change of socks and sun hat.
Sunscreen with high filter
Hiking poles (Optional)
Change of clothes and sandals for rest
Backpack minimum 30L and maximum 50L
Personal medications and personal hygiene items.

Included services:
  • Local roundtrip transportation from Fomeque Or Choachi to and from the hiking starting point
  • Local specialized guiding
  • Emergency insurance
  • Entry to the reserve
  • Lodging in a mountain refuge (1 or 2 nights depending on the chosen plan)
  • Complete meals: Option 2 days: From lunch on day 1 to breakfast on day 2 // Option 3 days: from lunch on day 1 to breakfast on day 3.
  • Bogotá – Fómeque – Bogotá transportation (ONLY IF YOU CHOOSE the option WITH TRANSPORTATION)
Not included services:
  • If you choose the option WITHOUT TRANSPORTATION: transportation from Bogotá or other location is not included.
  • Additional drinks or food available at the refuge
  • Services or items not previously detailed.